HOPE 希望护生园

Contact Information
5, Taman Sri Pekan Nenas, Pekan Nanas, 81500 Johor, Malaysia
Detailed Information

A Registered NGO and also a NO-KILL Animal Shelter at Pekan Nanas, Johor, Malaysia, sheltering over 3,000+ dogs and cats up to year 2022 (Highest stray intake in all pet shelters in Malaysia) founded by Aunty Jia Jia in 2008. HOPE is donation-funded, we have monthly expenses of RM300K for animal medical expenses, foods, TNRM works, rescue works and the running of the shelter!
【希望护生园】是官方注册的非盈利团体,也是不执行安乐死的流浪猫狗收容所。2008年由佳佳阿姨创办,目前位于马来西亚柔佛州的小镇北干娜娜,已有超过 3,000 多只猫狗居住在内,是全马收容量最高的收容所。每月流浪猫狗医药 / 粮食 / 收容所运作开销等高达马币 30 万! 全靠大众善心捐助,希望更多人能爱心护持
– All animals come to us emaciated, severely ill, being abused / abandoned, being hit and run and etc. We will work immediately with the vet clinics to address these health issues first
– All the animals in H.O.P.E. are sterilized and given regular vaccinations after quarantine
– They’re able to roam free in the shelter. NO caging / tying. Healthy furry kids will be put up for adoption
– We carry out TNRM works and actively reduce homeless lives on street
– 所有被收容的猫狗都是被拯救时患重病 / 被虐 / 车祸 / 被弃养 / 被迫害等,在救援第一时间内接受专业医药治疗
– 所有收容所猫狗一进入便会被隔离,并进行结扎手术 + 注射预防针
– 隔离一段时间后将在内自由活动,不关笼,不绑绳,并开放领养
– 瘫痪 / 老年的猫狗不被安乐死,将在园内长期生活,我们努力推广成年/瘫痪猫狗领养
– 长期做TNRM,结扎街头流浪猫狗
Please help us to continue our rescue and adoptive efforts by
– Be our Monthly Sponsor (https://bit.ly/3ivgZd5)
– Corporate Support
– Donating
– Adopting
– Volunteering
– 成为我们的每月助养人 (https://bit.ly/3s9Om8v)
– 个人 / 企业赞助
– 随心捐款
– 领养
– 加入义工行列
We regularly organize “Doggies’ Bath Day + Open Day” on the first Sunday of each month. Public is welcome to visit or volunteer to help the dogs bathe (if there is a change in the event date, a notification will be published on our page), and we will hold Outdoor Adoption Event, Charity Fundraising Bazaar, Charity Dinner and other activities from time to time.

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